What is Solar Lab Tour?
An EnergyLab's outreach project in partnership with University of Groningen in the Netherlands, aiming to promote clean energy among high school students in Cambodia.

2 Dutch volunteers and 24 Cambodian university students will work together to conduct interactive solar sessions with 3,600 Cambodian high school students who will learn about clean energy and make and test their own solar cell. 120 one-hour sharing sessions, each of which include a clean energy presentation and a solar cell experiment at 24 public high schools in Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kampong Speu and Takeo from February 24th - March 7th 2020.

For two weeks our Ambassadors have been busy traveling around Phnom Penh, Takeo, Kandal, and Kampong Speu to teach high school students about clean energy and build their very own solar cell! A great achievement for our 24 Cambodian and 2 Dutch Ambassadors can reach 20 schools and over 3000 students in just 11 days!
Why Solar Lab Tour?
To spread clean energy knowledge among high school students in Cambodia.

To inspire Cambodian high school students to love clean energy and get involved in clean energy industry and technological innovation in the future.
Watch how Dutch young scientists test their solar cell...
Agenda of Each Solar Lab Session
February 24th - March 7th 2020
5 minutes:
Lab Introduction
5 minutes:
Screening "What is Clean Energy" Video
15 minutes:
Presentation on Clean Energy, Climate Change and Solar Power.
30 minutes:
Solar Cell Experiment
Students are given protective lab coats and glasses, and will make an organic Graetzel solar cell, and then take the solar cell outside to test the cell and measure the voltage across the solar cell
5 minutes:
Post-test and Feedback, and Wrap-up
Application Opens
We open the application for who is committed and would like to be our Solar Lab Tour Ambassador.

Application Closes
We will stop accepting the application until January 19th, 2020.
Shortlisted candidate will be announced on January 1st, 2020. Afterwards, successful candidate will be announced on January 28th, 2020.
Solar Lab Tour Begins
The tour begins from February 24th to March 7th, 2020.
EnergyLab is working to create a
clean energy future for Cambodia
EnergyLab Cambodia is an NGO established in 2018, working to facilitate the growth of the clean energy market in Cambodia with a particular focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

We work to connect and support a thriving clean energy ecosystem of industry, investors, entrepreneurs, customers and institutions through a range of programs, partnerships and events.
What is Clean Energy?
Renewable Electricity
Solar, Wind, Mini-Hydro, Biomass
Energy Efficiency
Industrial, Commercial, Household
Distributed Energy
Rooftop Solar, Demand Response, Storage
Smart Energy
ICT, IOT, AI, Machine Learning, Sensing, Controls, Electric Vehicles
Offgrid and Rural Clean Energy
Offgrid Solar, solar for agriculture productive use. Improved Cookstoves, Household Biogas
Renewable Fuels
Biogas, Biomass, solar thermal for Industry and Households
Why Clean Energy in Cambodia?
  • Sustainable Economic Growth
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Business Opportunities
  • Smart Cities and Transport – Improved Urban environment
  • Improve Industrial and Agricultural and Urban Productivity
  • Reduce local and global environmental impact
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