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Smart Energy
Hackathon Cambodia
Hack solutions to clean energy challenges with a chance to win prizes and founding customers for your idea!

Date: 31st August briefing,
Hackathon on 7th & 8th September 2019

Clean Energy Hackathon
Bringing together ITC, business, engineering and energy talent to support innovation and catalyse startups in clean energy.

Get ready to bring your skills and smarts to hack solutions towards a cleaner, smarter energy future. Smart Energy is about integrating technology into our energy system to support clean, efficient, optimal consumption, distribution and production of energy.

Bringing together talent from inside and outside the energy industry can create powerful opportunities to develop unique and disruptive solutions.

Hack away!
Why a hackathon?
Hack (creative problem solving) athon (marathon)

It's a dedicated weekend to put aside distractions and work in a team to hack solutions: motivated with prizes, deadlines and unlimited refreshments. We've got challenges help keep focus and expert mentors to help you stay on track.

Hackathons are an efficient, low risk, low cost way to encourage innovation, catalyse startups and engage talent in the clean energy sector.
Who should attend?
Coders, UX/UI designers, energy experts, engineers, entrepreneurs, product developers, creatives, statisticians, data-lovers, finance gurus interested in creating smart energy solutions.

Successful teams need more a mix of software, energy experts, data analysis experts, product developers and designers and finance or project management wranglers.

You can apply as a team or as an individual. We recommend teams of 3-5 with each member bringing different skills to the table. If you don't have a team, we will help you connect and create a team at the Design Workshop.

To participate, please submit an application form. You MUST attend the Hackathon briefing on August 31st.

Grand Prize

Thada Ox valued at
2nd Place


3rd Place

Grand Prize Sponsor
The Challenge
The demand for energy in Asia is growing exponentially, with an increase of 23% in Cambodia last year alone. Currently Cambodia relies on coal and hydropower, as well as imported electricity for its energy needs. As the country increases its electrification, new energy businesses have an opportunity to enter the market and shift the supply, storage and demand towards a cleaner and future. With the development in technology such as AI, machine learning, sensors and monitoring, the potential for creating smart energy solutions has never been better.

How might we design an innovative hardware or software solution that integrates technology into our energy system, to help create access to reliable, affordable and sustainable energy services?

Need some inspiration?
Try tackling one of these areas
Renewable Electricity
electricity from sun, wind,
water and plants can be utilized in place of traditional generation such as coal and other fossil fuels
Energy Efficiency
using energy more efficiently and managing demand in industry, business and houses can decrease energy use by as much as 70%
Metering and Data
integrating intelligent data collection and analysis into energy-intensive processes can provide new insights, and change consumer behaviour
Electric mobility
hybrid vehicles, electric motorbikes and electric cars are beginning to enter the Cambodian market with the opportunity for innovation
Agricultural Uses
water for irrigation, specific growing conditions and refrigerated storage and transport all lead to an energy-intensive supply chain
Improving Engagement
educational tools and understanding about clean energy and its benefits are currently limited and not widely accessible
Meet our Judges
  • Takeshi Izuka
    vKirirom President

    Entrepreneurship, digital technology
  • Bridget McIntosh
    EnergyLab Director

    Networking, business coaching, clean energy innovation
  • Daniel Schmücking
    KAS Country Director

    Political communication, election campaigns
Meet our Hackathon Mentors
  • Ian Jones
    Executive Director,
    Agile Development Group

    Social Enterprise, international development
  • Khim Bun
    Project manager,
    Agile Development Group

    Social Enterprise, international development
  • Sengchheang Chhun
    Project manager,
    Web Essentials

    Software development, innovation, training
  • Bridget McIntosh
    Country Director,

    Networking, business coaching, clean energy innovation
  • Luke Walley
    Energy Lead,

    Solar and Business Development, Energy Analysis
  • Emilija Emma
    Green Yellow

    Sustainability, energy efficiency, solar PV
Tickets and registration

To attend the Hackathon on September 7 & 8th, you must attend the Hackathon briefing on August 31st at Kirirom Institute of Technology.

Applications have now closed.

Stay tuned for registrations, rules and terms & conditions.

How to enter

1. Submit the application form

2. Check your email for further information and participation acceptance (by August 29th)

3. Attend the Hackathon briefing on August 31st

4. Find a team and start hacking!

1st August
Hackathon announced and
Applications Open.
28th August
Applications close at 11:59pm
31st August
Hackathon Briefing
Location: Kirirom Institute of Technology

Find your team members, understand the problem, and explore the problem with the mentors and your team.

Your team MUST attend to
enter the Hackathon
7th-8th September
Hackathon Weekend
Location: Main Auditorium,
Kirirom Institute of Technology

7th September
8am Hackathon Kicks off!
7th September
2pm Pitch concept to mentors
Get initial advice and feedback, and to keep you on track
8th September
8am Hacking continues
Opportunity for mentor support and pitch practice
8th September
11am Hacking ends
Submission deadline
8th September
11am First round of demos and pitching
9 teams selected for finals
8th September
1:30 - 2:30pm Final Pitches!
8th September
Winner announcement and Party
Thanks to the support of our funder
Our Host Sponsor
The Organiser
FAQs Section
More hackathons coming soon!
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