History of Rooftop Solar in CambodiaBefore 2018 there was no regulation for customers wishing to install solar. However, customers started installing solar systems as the global cost of solar was rapidly declining. There were cases of EDC requiring rooftop solar systems to be removed or turned off, rumours about a new regulation.
In January 2018, the Cambodian Government introduced a regulation for customers installing solar. The following summarises the regulation and the changes made to date:
- January 2018 – EAC Solar Regulation released, included:
- Technical specifications
- Tariff to include power capacity charge and energy charge (not specified, but to be announced by EAC and updated from time to time)
- Zero export of power
- Restrict size to 50% of contracted capacity
- No Implementation Process or Procedure (e.g., forms, timelines etc) released except indication that it should take 1 month.
- May 2018 - EAC released first 'tariff for consumers with Solar PV system'; including capacity and energy pricing for different size consumers. The overall tariff favoured customers with 24h/7 production, less useful for factories with daytime load only (e.g., garment factories)
- August 2019 - Consultation Round 1 EAC release new tariff - customers (not just solar customers) to have capacity and energy charge (peak and off-peak rate) to start January 2021. Although not stated, applied automatically to solar customers; other customers can voluntarily use the tariff before January 2021;
- January 2020 (14th) - MME Prakas No. 0040 updates pricing for 2020 and 2021 and new tariff arrangement - customers can choose energy only tariff or capacity charge and energy tariff with peak/offpeak rate in 2020 but not in 2021. Solar customers cannot choose – pay capacity charge and fixed energy rate, not allowed to access off peak rate.
- January 2020 (31st) - EAC Consultation Round 2 – similar to MME Prakas, but the capacity charge for all customers in 2021 is removed from tlhe table and replaced with a note "The option to pay electricity bill, average rate, [for MV &HV] will be expired until 31st, December 2020. Solar customers cannot choose – pay capacity charge and fixed energy rate, not allowed to access off peak rate.
- February 2020 – EAC tariff confirmed, almost identical to EAC consultation tariff – Solar customers pay capacity charge, fixed energy rate and no access to off peak rate. All other customers can choose to have a capacity charge with time of use energy rate; or just an average energy rate.
- 2020 - EDC negotiates with CMIC and Cleantech Solar to sell power directly to EDC – otherwise CMIC as a solar customer not eligible for offpeak tariff so it is more economic to turn off the 10MW system.
- February 2021 – EAC releases updated tariffs, similar rate to 2020 (some slightly lower tariffs for larger customers with solar eg solar for HV customers changed from 11.5 to 11.4c/kWh). Solar customers still not eligible to access off peak rate.