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Exploring Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) Models for Cambodia Workshop

2024-03-06 12:00

Exploring Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) Models for Cambodia

There are many mechanisms to support Cambodia’s Clean Energy Transition. One of these is Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) - a way to account for renewable energy production and use.

But what are they exactly and how can they work to support clean energy investments?

To answer these questions, EnergyLab held a learning workshop with leading representatives from Cambodia’s private and development sectors.

Held at Tribe, the session explored EAC fundamentals before examining potential models; inviting stakeholders to provide their feedback and expertise to further understand the potential through adoption in Cambodia.

We would like to thank our partners from Intelligent Energy Systems and Sevea, and the support of the Australian Embassy, and Australian Aid, and New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

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